From:                                                                            Steward, Michelle: WCC

Sent:                                                                             28 January 2020 12:28

Subject:                                                                        FW: 201-203 Wardour Street - 19/12476/LIPV


Dear All


Please see below submissions from Richard Brown of the Citizen Advice Bureau, representing Mrs McCaffrey.


Committee Services, please forward to Members of the Committee and I confirm that a copy has been sent to all interest parties.


Kind regards




From: Richard Brown <>
Sent: 28 January 2020 12:18
To: Jackaman, Kevin: WCC <>; Steward, Michelle: WCC <>
Subject: 201-203 Wardour Street - 19/12476/LIPV


Dear Kevin/Michelle,

I am representing Mrs McCaffrey, who has made a representation on behalf of her and her sons.

The application as submitted is for a change of layout. The premises comprises a ground floor and a basement. It appears that two distinct and separate entities operate distinct and separate operations on each floor. The ground floor is operated as ‘Simmons’. The basement is operated as ‘Ballie Ballerson’. Both are relatively new operations. Prior to this, the ground floor and the basement were also operated separately, under a number of different names.

Some or all of these operations have caused nuisance to residents, as is evident from the documentation provided by Environmental Health.

It is believed that the changes sought have already in fact taken place, and so this is in effect an application regularise the changes retrospectively.

My client raises two issues in her representation.

Firstly, that music noise emanates from the premises which causes a nuisance. This has become worse since the new operators of the basement and ground floors began operating their respective premises. This may or may not be due to some of the changes of layout which have taken place – hopefully what changes there have been can be clarified at the hearing.

Secondly, that use of Berwick Street as the main entrance and exit for the basement operation will continue to cause a serious nuisance to residents of Berwick Street. A Dispersal Policy has been submitted, but this has clearly been insufficient so far.

Ian Watson states on p.68 of the Report that the Berwick street entrance ‘has not been utilised since the licence was granted in 2005…where the hours for licensable activities were increased on the understanding that Berwick Street would only be used for emergency escape during trading hours.’ This is confirmed by the decision notice at p.69 of the Report. I will comment on this further as necessary at the hearing.

I should be grateful if this could be distributed to Members and the parties prior to the hearing.


Kind regards,



Richard Brown
Licensing Advice Project
Citizens Advice Westminster

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21a Conduit Place, London W2 1HS

Advice Line: 0300 330 1191

DD: 020 7706 6029 

F:     020 7706 6039



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